We do not employ you. You work for yourself, set your rates, set your own hours, and manage your own schedule. Chatergy is a platform dedicated to helping others that enables you to help us in our mission. Please complete this form and obtain a background check from your state office. We don't care if you have a criminal past, we just need to know so we can be sure our members are aware if they choose to interact with you. We encourage those who have experienced a legal battle and experienced changed whether it be a life lesson, how to get through an experience in a safe and methodical way, and reached a happy ending, so that you can help educate others who may be walking down the same path or currently in the middle of the same or very similar experience.
By signing the information form and executing your membership as a Chatergist, you agree to meet all of the requirements and abide by all of the rules as stated in the Terms & Conditions throughout the Chatergy.com website.
You understand that you are not a named affiliate of Chatergy and when “affiliate” is used regarding you and Chatergy it is “in relation to” and not “ownership or directly related to”. The affiliates of Chatergy, when not stated in full throughout these terms, include Chatergy.com, pi-speaker.com, Cheryl D. Ring or by any other name, Chatergy, The PI Speaker.
If you are granted permission to advertise your experience, skill or knowledge that you wish to provide, and agreed upon, you agree to the Chatergy Terms & Conditions in addition to:
I give Chatergy and its affiliates permission to conduct a background check, including criminal, driving record, references, and character reference or will provide a background check to Chatergy from an approved provider.
I agree to provide the above entities (Chatergy.com, pi-speaker.com, Cheryl D. Ring or by any other name, Chatergy, The PI Speakeror person(s)) a copy of my driver’s license or another form of photo identification as requested.
I agree that I am the same person depicted by the photo in the photo identifying document(s) that I provide to the above entities or person(s) and that everything and all information I provide to Chatergy are correct and true.
I agree that it is at the discretion of the owner(s) of Chatergy and its affiliates as to my acceptance to use the Chatergy platform or the platform that identifies itself as the Chatergy platform. I agree that the determination of my acceptance is at the discretion of the owner(s) of the Chatergy platform.
I agree to adhere to appropriate and professional behavior for the duration of my contractual agreement with the owner(s) and affiliates of the Chatergy.com website.
I agree that while I am active on this site providing paid services that I agree to and understand the non-compete agreement and that I will not compete with Chatergy.com, Chatergy, The PI Speaker, Cheryl D Ring, or pi-speaker.com in any way they function including but not limited to:
I agree not to offer my service or similar service as I agree to provide on the Chatergy platform anywhere on the world wide web, internet, online for at least six months from the date my relationship ended with Chatergy and its affiliates. If you provide this service elsewhere prior to Chatergy it is at the discretion of Chatergy and it's owners and affiliates to accept or deny your desire to offer these same services on the Chatergy platform. This agreement includes all services that may or may not be offered by you on the Chatergy platform. I agree not to offer any advisory, social advisory, professional advisory or service as chat or live video or pre-recorded video, or any other paid-for service on the world wide web, internet, online for at least six months from the date my relationship ended with the Chatergy platform. My end date on the Chatergy platform is at the discretion of the Chatergy platform owner(s).
I agree not to hold Chatergy.com, Chatergy, Cheryl D. Ring, pi-speaker.com, The PI Speaker or any of its affiliates or owners(s) responsible for damages, negative behavior including verbal abuse, stalking, harassment, or bullying, by a Chatergy client because Chatergy does not provide clients with my personal information and I am acting as a contractor on the Chatergy platform and I am not an employee of Chatergy or any of its related affiliates. If you are being bullied, we expect you to handle the situation in a professional manner by ending the ZOOM or Whatsapp session and immediately report the incident to Chatergy officials.
I agree not to share my personal information including last name, date of birth, social security number, phone number(s) or contact information, email address, residential or any other physical address, employment information, banking information, or other personal information that might put me at risk for identity theft or harassment (I acknowledge that I am aware of what identity theft is and what causes it and that I have researched this information in the case I did not know what it was prior to agreeing to these rules and terms & conditions).
If in the event Chatergy changes its terms of service and requires a fee to help facilitate my space on the website/platform, I agree to pay Chatergy and affiliations a reasonable monthly fee for use of the Chatergy platform and for the use it's intended for. *At the time of this signing there is no fee.
I agree to pay the amount that is stated on the service agreement.
I understand there is no refund even if I do not produce any revenue or provide services to clients during my paid duration of time.
I agree that I am self-employed working on my behalf using the Chatergy platform to connect with their members and clients. I agree that I do not take ownership of a client and that a client using the Chatergy platform is a client of the Chatergy network and Chatergy platform. If I bring a client to the Chatergy platform and that client chats with a different Service Provider, other than myself, I will not hold Chatergy or its affiliates responsible and I understand this is a possibility just as this could occur with another Service Provider client I understand Chatergy has a non-compete service platform policy in place and that I understand what that entails.