Welcome to The BRIDGE™
My name is Cherie, and I am the founder of Chatergy.com and The Social Bridge Network. Here's the backstory: Twenty-four years ago, after a life-changing experience, I desperately needed to find someone who had walked a day in my shoes so that I could heal by the side of someone to whom I could relate and whom I could openly complain to. Family and friends were not enough to get me get me started on that path. For what I was looking for, I scoured the internet and networked with mental health professionals and the amount of frustration that came with my mission was mentally exhausting and highly disappointing. To no avail, and after months of doing everything I could to get me over the hump I began the journey by building the platform I had envisioned, and Chatergy was born. I knew little about coding or what building a website would involve, so I hired a team of people to bring my vision to fruition including people like myself who had already completed their complicated journey and were ready to be there for others who were just getting started. My vision was to create a platform where individuals like myself could help others without a license or degree with a deeper connection with those who reach out who struggle with life's challenging situations. I wanted to complain to someone who felt the same pain I did. I wanted to know how they approached the healing process to end the pain. Building the site as an effort to help others was a significant part of my journey. In the last few years, my journey continued as a survivor and began rebuilding the site and making improvements along the way. I would say that after more than 20 years, Chatergy.com has evolved significantly. We are striving to be the next-generation social media platform with an expanding library of services that contribute to a healthy emotional life. The site is operated by you, the members where we offer a platform to showcase your talents, skills, and experiences that aim to promote a healthy emotional lifestyle. We are interested in knowing what you want and need as the site continues to evolve. The Social Bridge Network is a Youtube channel where we engage in conversations with individuals about their worst, funniest, and most frustrating problems and solutions. You can also find our short videos on YouTube and Tik Tok, coming soon. I would like to thank our members for their continued support. This is the place where you can express your emotions, safely, and seek the guidance or help that you need from peers who have walked a day in your shoes. This is a platform for people who enjoy helping others and earning income.
Welcome to The Social Bridge Network Page!
Entertaining, Informative, and Educational
At The Social Bridge Network, our goal is to connect with our listeners and viewers on a deeper level and provide meaningful solutions to their problems. Whatever your concern is, we’re here to help. Our channel is a space where we tackle a wide range of issues, whether they be a remedy for a broken nail (finger and tool) work-related, personal, or social. Each of us has experience in different areas, which helps us to develop a comprehensive understanding of the problems you might be facing with those who have already found a solution.
We're unique and different.
At The Social Bridge Network, we are a community of people who share their experiences, problems, and solutions through videos and live studio interviews. We do things differently by creating a space where individuals can safely connect and learn from one another. However, we cannot do this alone and we need your help!
Whether big or small, please share a unique problem that is resolved or unresolved. We will try to find a solution OR share your solution with the world. You have a 'voice' through us and can remain anonymous.
In 30 seconds or less, video record your face only as you state your problem.
For submitting a solution to a problem, you have the option of recording a step-by-step video of the solution as you narrate it. Please use the script below. (.mov, wmv, .mp4, mpeg-1, 2, 3 or 4)
"My problem is/was":
(if you found a solution that worked)
"And, the solution to my problem was,"
Submit to: solutions@homeofthebridge.com
Then, tune into our YouTube channel where, if approved, your video will be shown.
For anonymous submissions:
Please submit an audio file (voice only) using the same procedure above. (mp3, wav files are accepted)
Feel free to include photos with your submission.
Use the video alternative option by recording a step-by-step video as you narrate.
Take a stroll along one of our many bridges and chat with others about common topics. Offer or discover solutions, be entertained, or make a new friend. (Membership is FREE and you can remain anonymous to other members)
We will see you on The BRIDGE!